#!/usr/bin/env pwsh # Requires -Version 7 <# .DESCRIPTION Downloads a set of recordings from an acoustic workbench. Will work on Windows, Linux, or MacOSX with PowerShell Core. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell?view=powershell-7.1 for installation instructions. Version 10.0.1 from https://api.acousticobservatory.org. .EXAMPLE On Windows: PS> ./download_audio_files.ps1 .EXAMPLE On Linux/MacOSX: $ chmod +x download_audio_files.ps1 $ ./download_audio_files.ps1 #> param( # Where to download the recordings. Defaults to the present working directory if not specified. $target = $null, # The auth token to use to login to the workbench. You only need to supply an auth token if you want to log in without a password. $auth_token = $null, # The username to use to login to the workbench. This value's default value is templated when the script is generated. This is not needed if you use an auth_token. $user_name = $null, # The poassword to use to login to the workbench. This is not needed if you use an auth_token. $password = $null, # The filter to use to select audio recordings to download. This value's default value is templated when the script is generated. # See https://github.com/QutEcoacoustics/baw-server/wiki/API:-Filtering for details on valid filters. This argument # should be a valid JSON encoded string. $filter = $null, # The acoustic workbench instance to use. This value's default value is templated when the script is generated. $workbench_url = $null ) $InformationPreference = 'Continue' $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/14348 $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Write-Information "Acoustic Workbench downloader script version 10.0.1" if ($null -eq $target) { $target = $pwd } # templated values from script generation if ($null -eq $auth_token) { if ($null -eq $user_name) { $user_name = "" if (-not $user_name) { Write-Error "user_name is required" exit 1 } } Write-Information "User name: $user_name" } else { Write-Information "Using supplied auth token $auth_token" } if ($null -eq $filter) { $filter = @' {"sorting":{"order_by":"recorded_date","direction":"desc"},"paging":{"items":25},"projection":{"include":["id","recorded_date","sites.name","site_id","canonical_file_name"]}} '@ } Write-Information "Filter: $filter" if ($null -eq $workbench_url) { $workbench_url = "https://api.acousticobservatory.org" } Write-Information "Workbench URL: $workbench_url" # end templated values # log in $headers = @{} if ($null -eq $auth_token) { if ($user_name -and $password) { $User = $user_name $PWord = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force $credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $User, $PWord } else { $credentials = Get-Credential -Message "Provide credentials for logging into $workbench_url" -UserName $user_name } $json_credentials = $credentials.GetNetworkCredential() | ForEach-Object{ if ($_.UserName -like '*@*') { @{"email"=$_.UserName;"password"=$_.Password} } else { @{"login"=$_.UserName;"password"=$_.Password} } } Write-Information "Logging in to workbench $workbench" $auth_reponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$workbench_url/security" -Method POST -Body $json_credentials -Headers $headers -SkipHttpErrorCheck if ($auth_reponse.BaseResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { $auth_token = ($auth_reponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.auth_token } else { Write-Error ("Login attempt failed ($($auth_reponse.StatusCode)) " + $auth_reponse.Content) exit 1 } } else { # we have auth token, nothing else to do? } $headers["Authorization"] = "Token token=`"$auth_token`"" $json_headers = $headers.Clone() $json_headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" $json_headers["Accept"] = "application/json" Write-Information "Downloading recordings" # start paging through results! $script:current_page = 0 $script:max_page = $null function Get-NextPage() { $script:current_page += 1 if (($null -ne $script:max_page) -and ($script:current_page -gt $script:max_page)) { Write-Information "Reached end of pages" return $null } Write-Information "Getting page $script:current_page" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$workbench_url/audio_recordings/filter?page=$script:current_page" ` -Method POST -Body $filter -Headers $json_headers -SkipHttpErrorCheck -StatusCodeVariable "status_code" if ($status_code -ne 200) { Write-Error ("Failed to get recordings ($status_code): ") $response | Format-List | out-string | Write-Error exit 1 } $script:max_page = $response.meta.paging.max_page Write-Information "Got page $script:current_page of $script:max_page, $($response.data.Count) recordings in this page." return $response.data } $sites = @{} function Get-SiteName($raw_name) { if ($sites.ContainsKey($raw_name)) { return $sites[$raw_name] } # Safe folder names $name = $raw_name -replace '[^-_A-Za-z0-9]','' $sites[$raw_name] = $name return $name } # make output directory New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $target -Force | Out-Null while ($null -ne ($recordings = Get-NextPage )) { foreach($recording in $recordings) { Write-Information "Downloading recording $($recording.id)" $recording | write-output $audio_recording_id = $recording.id $site_id = $recording.site_id $name = $recording.canonical_file_name $safe_site_name = Get-SiteName $recording.'sites.name' $sub_folder = Join-Path $target "${site_id}_$safe_site_name" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $sub_folder -Force | Out-Null $path = Join-Path $sub_folder $name Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$workbench_url/audio_recordings/$audio_recording_id/original" ` -Method GET -Headers $headers -StatusCodeVariable "download_status_code" -OutFile $path Write-Information "Downloaded recording $audio_recording_id to $path" } } Write-Information "Done!"